
Archive for the ‘people’ Category

Dog People

Do you see dogs as people? Are they Man’s Best Friend”? Babies? Fur children? Or do you see them as dogs, respect that, and love them for it?

If I had to guess, I’d say that: the people who like the more agile types of dogs, are more apt to see dogs as dogs.

Ditto: all the people who do some some activity with their dog, like hiking, hunting, or sledding, and those who have wolf hybrids.

While people who buy breeds who are bred to mirror human faces, are perhaps more likely to see dogs as babies or children.

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Why THAT breed?

There usually are different reasons why people do the same thing.

One person blogs to record their thoughts.

Another person blogs to be read.

Others blog to make friends.

Some blog because the teacher requires it.

Same with dogs shows.

Some people crave the different:

They breed flat faced dogs, dogs whose chest nearly drag the ground,
dogs with loose wrinkly skin, dogs with a funny tail,
dogs that don’t walk right, and dogs with hair that grows backwards.

Many people are attracted to hair or fur,
if they are really into it, it is called having a fur fetish.

Many of the women that men drool over aren’t beautiful,
they are average women with exceptionally long, thick, hair.

It is said the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I knew a much older woman who that thought long hair was really ugly.

She had beautiful hair, and had trained to work in a beauty parlor,
But she had grown up with the image of a flapper.

Long hair was for backwoods people, she thought.
Short hair is chic.

I’ve met people who didn’t want a long haired dogs because of the grooming required,
and met those who just simply like the look of a short haired dog.

I’ve met people who loved the look of a long haired dog,
but I have also met dog show people who confess that they have a thing for hair, they love combing it, they love playing with it, they raise hairy dogs just so they can play with their fur.

Some people choose a breed for it’s effect on other people, often to intimidate people, but sometimes the reverse, toughs and real dangerous women, who get cute little dogs either as camouflage, or to help them meet people.

Some people want the dog to be a forever baby, toddler, or young child substitute.

Some people are into raising, teaching, or controlling dogs. these each have their own training methods and fans. And they each have certain dogs they work best with.

Most people’s pet dog is a member of the family, a friend, or a watchdog.

Dogs can be a religious connection for some people, a link to something beyond people and cities. Sometimes a link to nature.

Some of the Pre-Colombian New World dogs had important religious roles. Some believe that dogs were put here to provide people with an example of how true love should be.

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Today, the New York times did an article called “When Parents are Too Toxic to Tolerate”.
Sometimes, even when parents are good, it does a young adult good to get away from the environment they were raised in, and to work out their own modernized viewpoint.
If nobody ever took the risk to get away from where they grew up – we would still think like our great grand parents.
In Australia, the Aborigines sent their teenage boys on a year long “walk about”. The boys essentially were like backpackers.
It doesn’t get real cold there, so they didn’t have to lug a tent, sleeping bag, ground pad, extra warm clothes, and heavy boots – but they did go walk about.
In Europe it is traditional that teenagers take a year off (or at least a summer) and travel around Europe. There are youth hostels set up for this. And a steady stream of travelers.
If your parents can pay for you to go to college in another state, and live in the dorm there, or in an apartment near the college, then you get away from it all – you learn to update, and transform all the things that you have learned into part of what you are, and then to explore and add to that.
Going to college while living at home is practical (financially) but it leaves out the one lesson parents fear to give their teenagers – Independence.
For some people, the military is their only hope at getting away.
Get away to come back your own person. Does it work? For some people. Not for others.
During war times, it is a dangerous job. It requires obedience, and regimentation – not for all people (I had enough of that at home).
But for some people, it is their only escape from toxic parents, poor employment, a bad situation.
Much better to have been born to wealthy parents and get to go to a nice boarding school and learn Independence there – but I’m sure that has it’s negative side too.
But, no matter your finances or how you deal with them, nothing beats having loving good parents who try to help you grow up and mature into a happy well adjusted person with an interest in living and thriving.
But some people would have been better off raised by wolves, than stuck with “Toxic Parents” (A must read book by that title is a good read into facing the bad side of parents).

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Stay Home

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