
Archive for the ‘fish’ Category

Screen Saver

This is a normal young goldfish.
People who breed animal to display them in shows, tend to breed more & more extreme forms.
You can see this very clearly with the show goldfish.
The photos don’t show them waddling as they swim, but if you look at your window screen savers that came with your computer, (control panel, Appearance & Themes, choose a screen saver, Aquarium.) you can watch fancy goldfish waddle (I find it offensive to breed fish that can’t swim right)

After awhile a normal little feeder fish goldfish should appear in with the fancy goldfish. I like him.

At least they didn’t have Bubble Eye Goldfish, or mutated scale goldfish.

The earlier post on this site will show you some show goldfish.

If anyone wants my vote on the issue – next Aquarium screen saver – don’t use show fish, please.

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1 Cut off my WHAT!!?

Pretty male fancy guppy, huh? The tail edge of his tail fin is a little ragged, I would preferred a better spine, but he has excellent spotting, and color, and that’s a nice iridescence on his belly. His eye is healthy. The photo is not too clear around the gill. But what about his ‘little richard’?

I got out of fish breeding for many years. But, you know if like something, you like something.

I got back into fish breeding (actually, I have been in & out of breeding fish for years – but not continuously breeding).

So, after, a long absence from fish breeding, I got back into it. Now I had the money to use ten gallon tanks instead of fish bowls (for sick bays and brigs), and I had money for big tanks for my regular fish.

I decided to start each tank with a pair of guppies. But the guppies had changed while I was not breeding fish. The regular guppies simply were not in any of the aquarium fish shops.

Had it been possible, I should have kept my own line of guppies from when I was a little kid with fish in bowls, clear until now. If I had, I would still have a line of heirloom guppies.

But “should have” is just another word for “didn’t”.

So I had to start with pairs of Fancy guppies, and work backward. I decide to let each pair bred true (purebred litters) but then cross the offspring. Only one pair bred. When the tanks got going and were colonizing good bacteria, I moved the adult guppies into the same big tank. Still only one pair bred.

Guppies aren’t picky. Neons are picky, I only had one pair of neons that bred. If guppies were people, they would do it in the parks and on the sidewalks. What county does that remind me of? Guppies are lovers.

Found out why my guppies weren’t breeding. Pet store guy said one pair must of slipped by – they were all suppose to be sterile. Guppies don’t live long, fish store want to sell replacements, can’t do that if people buy a pair, and end up with a tank, that is jam packed with their descendants.

And the fish breeders that get mutated colors, don’t want anyone else breeding those mutations, they want to monopolize the trade. Can’t spay a fish, so what do they do? They snip the end of male fish’s thingy off, just leaving the shaft. The male can’t feel if he has it in or not, so he makes no release, hence, no baby fish.

The male fish still courts the female, he even dances more than before, but no matter how much his rocket points towards the sky, it never leaves the launch pad.

If you were a male guppy would you want to be one of the valuable fancy show types with a restricted pedigree, or a regular guy type guppy, less showy but intact?

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2 Male Fancy Guppy

I really didn’t really want to post on goldfish, I wanted to post on guppies.

But I couldn’t find the right photos that would show step by step progress (deterioration) of guppy type over time, while the photos of goldfish de-evolution were not only complete, they were in public domain right on wikimedia, and with superior photography.

Most importantly, I found several photos of extreme show goldfish type, intermediate type like the Comet, and early gold types, as well as a good wild type! Thank you very much to all of you who posted photos into public domain. (I search wikimedia).

I love guppies. I use to raise guppies. They were the first pets that I raised myself. I still like them.

I wont get into how I got started in fish, how I got my first fish tank (I was 7 years old, but I had had fish in glass bowls before that).

Nor will I rehash all the disputes with my parent over which fish to breed, what to name them.

Every guppy bought was named very soon after purchase, and my parents chimed in and argued for their choice of names for each guppy bought.

But I usually got to name the baby fish myself because I learned to spot their developing color at first hint, and became the one who could first see them as an individual, not as identical fish in a school of baby fish. And you can’t name the baby fish when they are first born because you can’t tell one from the others.

What I want to move on to, is the problems that I noticed in guppy breeding, that are either the same problems that were in breeding kittens & puppies, or which would later become problems in the breeding of animals.

Because, some of these problems in animal breeding, are not really problems with animals, but problems with the people who choose to breed animals for fun or money. It doesn’t matter if we talk about goldfish, guppies, pigeons, chickens, rabbits, cats, dogs, or horses – the same problems occur over and over, because the problem is with the people and the kinds of systems that (fail to) regulate them.

They have the same cures, because the idea is the same, to lead most all people down the right path, to shoo stray people off the wrong path, and to go after bull-headed people who wont stay off a harmful path.

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3 Guppy eating

Fish may look easy to keep, but they need regular maintanence. So think of a fish tank as something you and your child or children do together, not a responsabilty to dump on young kids.

Fish tanks are about maintaning water quality – an excellent education for people on our planet, because clean water is a big deal. You know that especially if you have to buy bottled water because tap water has become too polluted to drink.

One of the biggest mistakes in a fish tank is feeding the fish too much – the leftover food rots, and ruins the water quality. Another problem is getting too many fish too quickly, the fish tank’s good bacteria have to adapt to your tank, and get good colonies going. Another problem is choosing the wrong type of fish.

But mostly, a fish tank is about life support. Like air quality in a space capsule or a tall building.

A fish tank is not just about the artistry of the tank’s interior design, and watching the social interaction of fish, but about making sure every one of your fish lives (hopefully, lives happily & healthfully, but you can only expect so much from a very young kid).

To do that, you need to airiate the water, filter the waste, provide surface for good bacteria. Choose fish that are compatable, and choose them in numbers that work well together. Chooose plants that are hardy inthe unique condidtions of YOUR tank.

You have to have a sick bay ( a water bowl) to put sick fish in) and you have to know about how to treat sick fish, and how to keep your fish from getting sick to begin with.

And if you have live-bearers, you sometimes need to understand greed in other people. And if you get around that, you need to understand population numbers.

A fish tank is a little world, and fish are your friends that you must make happy – or at least keep alive and reasonable okay.

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4 Wild Guppy F

This looks like a real wild type of guppy. (but dead).It is a government photo, so I am guessing that this is a mosquito fish – any fish put into ponds, lakes, swamps, or whatever, to eat mosquito larva. Most anything that eats mosquito larva is worth a second look.

This is a female. You can tell by the under belly fins, but you can also tell by casual glance. The male has a more pencil shaped body, the female fish, which is usually pregnant, has a deep belly. The female is larger than the male, and heavier in type, but the males are more active. (In the wild types!)

Gender is an important study in fish. Many fish can change gender. Some fish, the eel?, all start life out as females, and then the old ones change into males. If an eel lives long enough it will both give birth, and later, sire offspring. But most fish are born male or female, but even those fish, in some species (I have seen it in swordtails) will change gender if they are kept without a member of the opposite sex.

It is said that polluted water in our own stream and lakes often kills fish, but sometimes, it doesn’t kill them, it causes them to become both male & female at the same time, or to grow extra limbs and mutated forms. (Maybe the show breeders are just gearing up for our own future world?)

But this photo is of a normal female guppy. Although her eye doesn’t look good, that isn’t exactly inherited. The males fish have all of the pretty colors.

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5 Male feeder Guppy

This nice little male guppy is typical of some of the feeder types.

Notice the short firm tail, and the big spots of different colors.
This type is more active, and entertaining to watch.
They come in a wide array of colors & patterns.

The original guppies, sold at the pet fish stores, when I first started into fish, were much like the little fish above. They were a healthy, hardy fish, suitable for kids, but complex enough for adults.

But then the shops came out with “Fancy Guppies”. Like in show guppies.

They (the fancy male guppies) had long tails. They tended to have lots of big splotches of color, instead of distinct spots of different colors. My mother liked them. I like a healthy, friendly pet.

The fancy guppies were still social with the other guppies, but their long tails did NOT help them swim, the long tail fin made them swim slow and waddle when they swam, the littler wild type males could literally swim circles around them.

The active semi-wild type were fascinating to watch, but the long tail finned fancy guppies made me feel sad. I’m too soft. I felt a sympathy for them. Poor fish, they could not enjoy my aquarium. They had to work just to keep their tails up.

Like a peacock with a beautiful tail, no matter how pretty the tail, if it gets too long, it is an extra burden to him. But peacocks tend to be healthy, while fancy guppies are often inbred. Sometimes their long tails would droop and they would struggle with their length, while the wild type males danced in front of the females.

The trailing edge of the fancy tails would get rot on them, and I would plead with my parents to tell me how to fix the fish. But, of course, they had no idea.

Later, a fish book told how to trim the very edge, but nobody had the nerve to do so (kind of like bulldog breeders amputating the tails of their bulldogs because it gets to be too hard to keep the kinky tails healthy). So I would net the fish and put it in sick bay – a glass bowl with special stuff in the water, again.

The very edge of a male guppies tail is continuously growing, like our hair or fingernails. I once though that I had found the answer. One night, one of the non-guppy fish that I had, nipped the edge of the fancy guppies tail. This seemed to only happen at night, so I couldn’t find out which fish was nipping mouthfuls of fancy guppy tail.

Bad as if sounds, the male fancy guppies swam better with the ‘haircut’ where they didn’t have to drag all that tail length, like a brides trail.

But then one morning one of the male fancy guppies, (I can still see him in my minds eye), was shivering back and forth near the bottom of the tank. Most all of his tail fin was gone.

I watched with the lights off, with just the light from the other room – it was a male sword-tail fish. He had matured more and gotten big and mean.

After that he lived a long life in a goldfish bowl (brig), his mate changed genders without him around, and grew a swortail, but retained the deep body of the female which she had always been. (She had had several litters before becoming a sort-of male). I decided to just have guppies, but I did like the platies too.

A “swordtail” is a long piece of fin that grows out beyond the regular tail fin. It seems to have no purpose, and only the males grow it. The word “swordtail’ usually means a type of aquarium fish that can interbreed with platties, but there are some guppies who have tail edges like a swordtail, so they are called “swordtail guppies” even though they are guppies, and are NOT related to true swordtail fish.)

I never had a true sword tail guppy, but I did have some that had a streak of color shaped like a swordtail, and in the right area, but with clear fin above it.

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6 Black Guppy Pair

The female in the photo is the closest one, the male is the one in the background, with the orange tail.

Progress is only good when it is done right. Most everything can be used a harmful manner, if some fool gets it into his head to mess things up.

So, how to spay the female guppies, because they can’t be sold with mandatory spay contracts?

It is said, that where there is a will, somebody will find a way. Fish breeders found that they could put hormones into the fish tank water to make the male fish more showy.

(Yes, there are fish shows, there is even a “pit bull fish” the betta, used in fish fighting in Asia. The domestic type grows long fins, and the fish tear piece of each others fins off).

Guppies never fight.

Putting hormones into the female guppies’ tank caused them to grow colorful tails like the males, and the proper blend of hormones, given at the right dosage, at the right age, can sterize the female guppy without killing her. Greed. Somebody doing things to control the market, to try to get it all for themselves. Commercial people stopping pure hobbist?

But the person with just a few tanks can be drugging his females and snipping the head of the pen’5 of the male fish. And some commercial places sell intact fish – if the pet store will sell them.
I haven’t bred fish in several years now, but I look hard at photos of show guppy breeds (yes people have actually made breeds of guppies). I remember the female swordtail that turned into a male. What do I call a fish that has the coloring of a male, but the body shape of a female?

In wild type guppies, the female is bigger than the male. But some of the fancy show guppy males are big like the females. The line between the genders is sometimes chemically blurred.

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7 Guppy Breeds

Aren’t these guppies beautiful! They are all males, (I think they are all males) but notice how the guppy on the right in the middle row has more of a female guppy body outline. See how the male on the right in the bottom row has the classical male guppy streamline shape?

Look at the nice healthy eyes on the bottom two. A normal eye has that whitish ring with a black or red center. Guppies can get a condition where the eye will change, and all of it will grow dark and bulge forward like a pug dog’s eyes.

Some people will try to tell you that a bulgy solid eye is normal. The fish seem to swim and feed okay, they don’t appear blind, but it doesn’t look normal. The fancy guppies that I had seemed to catch it, but the wild type I later got did not. One guy that sold fish said it was a disease that the wild type were resistant to, but some of the fancy types were susceptible to. The red eyed fish (partial albinos) seemed resistant too, but not always.

Most pet shop people act like they can’t tell the difference between a guppy with normal eyes and one whose eyes are going bad. If it is a disease, I don’t want it in my fish tank in my house. and if it is not a disease, why does it look like that? Look at the eyes on the bottom two guppies, I will only by guppies with good eyes like that.

The bottom two guppies are short tails, the short tailed guppies that I had lived much longer, and didn’t mope about the tank getting sick after a few months, they remained healthy, and vigorous; I liked them better than the long tails. My mother liked the long tails. To each their own. Not everybody likes the same variety of guppy – if they did, then breeders would only produce that one type.

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8 Guppy Coloring Book

Most of the early fancy type guppies that I was familiar with, had tails like in “A” or “C”. The wild type tail is not shown here. These are standards for show type male guppies.

I am NOT a fan of show fish, show cats, show horses, or show dogs. I know all I need to know about it, and then some more. I realize that many people enjoy putting animals into shows, but look what it does to the animals! And it is so pointless!

When I tried to get back into guppy breeding, but found that the stores carried only the fancy type, I resolved to breed them to revert to the semi-wild type, which I liked better. When I found that the store had sold me snipped males, and chemically treaty females, I was very unhappy. Froze out of the hobby?

But them one store had big not glass tanks in the back. One day someone come in and bought a goldfish from one of these tanks. He didn’t hand pick the goldfish, he just ordered “One gold fish”. This fish store also sold little pugnacious fish that would grow big. You were suppose to feed the big fish guppies, and then when the big fish grew bigger, you were suppose to feed it live goldfish.

People buy goldfish so they can watch their big fish eat it alive. The world is full of nuts and not all of them come from trees.

One day, at a pet store, someone bought guppies as “feeder fish” (any fish bought to feed to another larger fish or to any other animal). That’s when I discovered that the other tank had guppies in it. The fish shop man would not sell me any as “feeder fish” pets. He said they would not be healthy pets, they weren’t well raised.

But these feeder fish guppies were the exact type that I wanted. They were healthy and active. They had bright spots instead of blotches of color. The males were all male, and the females were pregnant. I saw them because the pet store guy sold some as feeder fish, and he put them in the regular clear plastic bag.

Unhappy, I drove around looking at pet shops further away. I found a privately owned one, who had feeder guppies. He said of course they were all healthy, he wouldn’t sell sick fish, a sick feeder fish would spread disease to the fish it was fed to. The feeder fish guppies were cheap, real cheap, like maybe 20 for the price of a pair of regular guppies.

I looked at their eyes. They had healthy eyes. Heaven on Earth, I had found normal guppies of original type (healthy heirloom guppies). All the fancy guppies this guy sold had bulgy eyes with no whites. But the feeder guppies had normal eyes.

He asked what I was looking at (the guppy’s eyes) and I told him. He said the wild type were resistant, but most of the other guppies arrived already infected. He said if it bothered me, there were other kinds of fish that didn’t get it. I had tried many types, I like fish that never fight. I like the way (healthy short tailed) male guppies dance. I like guppies best.

I love the color of neon fish, and they are nice fish, but one neon looks just like the next neon. What good does it do if you name your neon fish but you can’t tell Harry from Larry, from Moe? I like fish where each fish is unique.

I like short tailed guppies (really they are normal tailed guppies, the fancy guppies have overgrown tails).

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P) Show fish

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Buble eye, top view

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1 Freaking Show Fish.

This is an exhibition of mutant fish breeding.

These poor ugly fish! They can hardly swim!

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2 Wild Goldfish.

This is the wild type ‘goldfish’ – the ancestor of goldfish.
Like a wolf is to a dog.
These are NOT domesticated.

Do NOT turn domesticated goldfish loose in lakes or rivers,
because sometimes, after many generations,
they revert to this wild type.

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3 Normal Goldfish

These are semi-domesticated goldfish.
They are a color varient of the wild type,
like white tigers are to regular tigers,

but more like if we bred white tigers for many generations,
except with domestic fish you can do a lot of culling,
and if the fish goes crazy – it doesn’t hurt anyone.

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5 Nearly Normal

Not a cull.

Like plants have inbred varieties that aren’t as robust as weeds,

and we have made BREEDS of dogs that can’t make it in the wild like wolves,

people have made BREEDS of goldfish out of the wild type.

This breed of goldfish is called the Comet Goldfish.

It has longer fins, and is kind of showy.
But are the normal type happier?

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4 Inbred Depression?

Sometimes, in animal breeding, even if you don’t select for any oddity, you still get change in the animals.

Often, domestic animals just don’t have that vitale look of a healthy wild type.

There is what is called “inbred depression”, which is the opposite of “hybrid vigor”.

This fish doesn’t seem to show any oddity, but it doesn’t have the vital look of the wild type.

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6 Show Fish.

He isn’t fat or preggers – he is from a mutant variety of goldfish.

Why his body is like that – ask a fish veterinarian that does autopies,
I don’t know – but the whole breed is like that now.

With a body like that and long fins,
he has to work hard to swim.

And his eyes are somewhat protruding.
Reminds me of a show-type Pekingese dogs.

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7 Mutant Show Fish

This goldfish is a SHOW variety known as the “Lionhead” .

Does this fish look fit to you? Look at the fish’s spine. This is a SHOW goldfish.

Do you understand that show types are NOT always pretty, healthy, or normal?

Do you understand why some people consider animal shows to be
“parades of mutants”, or cruelity in breeding?

It’s mean to breed animals just to laugh at them.
The animals sometimes suffer from their malformations.

This link will show take you to a photo of a
bubble-eye show goldfish. Talk about bags under your eyes!


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Screen Saver

This is a normal young goldfish.
People who breed animal to display them in shows, tend to breed more & more extreme forms.
You can see this very clearly with the show goldfish.
The photos don’t show them waddling as they swim, but if you look at your window screen savers that came with your computer, (control panel, Appearance & Themes, choose a screen saver, Aquarium.) you can watch fancy goldfish waddle (I find it offensive to breed fish that can’t swim right)

After awhile a normal little feeder fish goldfish should appear in with the fancy goldfish. I like him.

At least they didn’t have Bubble Eye Goldfish, or mutated scale goldfish.

The earlier post on this site will show you some show goldfish.

If anyone wants my vote on the issue – next Aquarium screen saver – don’t use show fish, please.

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